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The Science and Technology of Flexible Packaging: Multilayer Films from Resin and Process to End Use

Author :

Barry A Morris

Publisher :

William Andrew (an Imprint of Elsevier)

Printed Book Price :

215 USD / 20000 INR

Pages :


Year of Publication :


Level of Content :

Edition :

1st Ed.

Posted On :

ISBN / ASN No. :



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The Science and Technology of Flexible Packaging: Multilayer Films from Resin and Process to End Use

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B. The price of the book mentioned above is an approximate price that have been taken from various online and offline sources available at the time of posting the review.
C. The reference texts and images taken from the book are the exclusive properties of the publisher / author only.

The Science and Technology of Flexible Packaging: Multilayer Films from Resin and Process to End Use

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